Personal loan to cover marriage expenses
Personal loans should be taken to finance your needs and not your wants. Once you are clear about your wants and needs it will become easier to manage your funds.
The temptation to take a loan is ever increasing more over due to the various new personal loan by the banks which lowest interest rates. You may find it tempting to purchase a washing machine or an LCD television, or even fund a holiday to an exotic destination abroad! You need to first separate your need from your wants and then plan on taking a personal loan to fund your needs. Financing your wants by borrowing is a strict no-no; as there is no end to anybodies wants, but needs are always limited.
So strike a balance between what you need and can’t do without and, what you fancy. Then sign up for a loan that either create an asset or finance a must-have.
Marriage is a once in a life time deal. It is an expensive affair but you would like to make sure that all the planning are wonderful and match the occasion. A personal loan is not advisable as they are unsecured loans and carry high rates of interest. Marriage Loans can help resolve financial problems which hamper the marriage arrangements. But the marriage loans should not be availed under the category of personal loan. Maximum Amount of Marriages Loans in India
The maximum amount of the load depends on the bank and customers. It can be vary from customer to customer and bank to bank. It depends on numerous factors such as collateral/security given by the customer, age of the customer, and repayments capacity of the customer. Repayment can be done in monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly installments or under EMI or Equated Monthly Installments.