Personal Loan Pali

Why to Choose Personal loans in Pali with

  1. Compare multiple bank offers, Eligibility and Instant Apply for personal loans
  2. Get lowest interest rates on personal loans*
  3. Get quotes and e-approvals instantly
  4. Document collection at your doorstep, No need to Visit Bank Branch.
  5. Loans disbursed within 72 working Hour
  6. Available for lower Cibil Score
Get lowest interest rates on Personal loan in Pali from top 10 Banks & your CIBIL score absolutely FREE.
Loan Amount
Employment Status

Personal Loan Interest Rates in Pali

Banks Rate of Interest Processing Fee Loan Amount Prepayment Charges Disbursal Time Part Payment Option
Yes Bank 10.45% - 16.99% Upto 2% Rs.100,000 - Rs.20,00,000 Nil Above 7.5Lacs 48 Working Hours No
IDFC First Bank 10.49% - 25% 2% - 2.5% Rs.100,000 - Rs.1,00,00,000 5% of Principal outstanding 24-48 hours Yes
Kotak Bank 10.50% - 16.99% 0.99% - 2.5% Rs.100,000 - Rs.20,00,000 Zero (if loan Amount is more than 10 lakhs) Else 5% 3 - 4 working days Yes
HDFC Bank 10.75% - 13.45% upto 3999 + GST Min. 50,000 Max. as per eligibility Nil (For Loan amount>10 lakhs and 12 EMI paid), else 4% 3 - 4 Days No
ICICI Bank 11% - 17.50% Rs.999 for Special offers otherwise 1% - 2.5% Rs.50,000 - Rs.20,00,000 Nil (For Loan amount >10 lacs & 12 EMI paid), else 5% 3 - 4 working days No
Standard Chartered 11.00% - 12.50% 1% Rs.1,00,000 - Rs.50,00,000 Upto 5% 3-4 Working days Yes
Citibank 11.49% to 16.50% Upto 2.0% + 0.5% (waiver on PF)
Special surprise gift from Citi Bank
Rs.1,00,000 - Rs.30,00,000 Upto 3% 48 hours Yes
Bajaj Finance 11.99% - 16% Upto 2% Upto Rs.25 Lacs Upto 4% post 1st EMI clearance Approval In 48 Hours Yes
Tata Capital 11.99% - 17% Rs.999-2.50% Rs.75,000 - Rs.15 Lacs Part Prepayment Charges: Nil (Allowed Post 6 months, Once a year, 25% of Principal Outstanding) Loan disbursement in 3-4 days Yes
SMFG India Credit 11.99% - 26% 2% Rs.50,000 - Rs.15,00,000 Upto 7.00%, 0% after 3 years 2-8 days No
IndusInd Bank 12.99% - 20% 0.5% -2% Rs.1,00,000 - Rs.25,00,000 4% 4 working days No
HDB Financial Services 16% - 21% up to 2% Rs.100,000 to Rs.15,00,000 Nil for Selected Corporates Employees (CAT A & B).
4% For Rest
2 days - 7 days No

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for Personal Loan in Pali
Banks offer Loan to borrowers depending on various factors such
as income, employment, continuity of business so as to make sure that they repay the loan with interest before the due date.
Banks offer Loan to borrowers depending on various factors such as income, employment, continuity of business so as to make sure that they repay the loan with interest before the due date. The eligibility criterion of a personal loans is primarily based on the work profile of a loan seeker which is broadly divided into the following two classes:
Salaried Self Employed
Metros: Minimum Salary Required is Rs. 15000/- p.m
Other Cities: Minimum Salary is Rs. 12500/- p.m
Metros: Minimum ITR Rs. 150000/-
Other Cities: Minimum ITR Rs. 150000/-

List of Personal Loans Banks

Bajaj Finserv
Yes Bank
Canara Bank
HDFC Bank Bajaj Finserv ICICI Bank Axis Bank
SMFG India ING Vysya Kotak Bank HDB Financial Services
Bank of India Union Bank of India United Bank of India Punjab National Bank
IndusInd Bank Dena Bank Andhra Bank Citibank
Indian Bank Vijaya Bank Corporation Bank RBS

Documents required
for Personal Loan

Documents required for Personal
Loan in Pali
Identity Proof : Passport/ Driving License/PAN card/ Photo credit card (with embossed Signature and last two months
Age Proof : PAN Card/ Passport/ Driving License / School leaving certificate/ Voter’s card/BirthCertificate/ LIC policy (only for age Proof). (Anyone of the above) Address Proof : Passport/ Telephone bill (BSNL/MTNL)/ Electricity bill/ Title deed of property/Rental agreement/ Driving license/ Election ID card/ Photo-credit card (with last two month statements) (Anyone of the above)
Income Proof : Latest salary slip/current dated salary Certificate with latest form 16 (Anyone of the above)
Job Continuity Proof : Form 16/relieving letter/appointment Letter (for last two months) (Anyone of the above)
Banking History : Bank statements of latest 2 months/ 3 months bank passbook (Anyone of the above)

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for Personal Loan in Pali
Banks offer Loan to borrowers depending on various factors such
as income, employment, continuity of business so as to make sure that they repay the loan with interest before the due date.
Banks offer Loan to borrowers depending on various factors such as income, employment, continuity of business so as to make sure that they repay the loan with interest before the due date. The eligibility criterion of a personal loans is primarily based on the work profile of a loan seeker which is broadly divided into the following two classes:
Salaried Self Employed
Metros: Minimum Salary Required is Rs. 15000/- p.m
Other Cities: Minimum Salary is Rs. 12500/- p.m
Metros: Minimum ITR Rs. 150000/-
Other Cities: Minimum ITR Rs. 150000/-

List of Major Bank Branch Address for Personal loans in Pali:

  1. Bank of Baroda - Near Town Hall, Suraj Pole, Pali, Rajasthan 306401
  2. IDBI Bank - NH 14, Pali, Rajasthan 306401
  3. Oriental Bank of Commerce - Major District Road 13, Pali, Rajasthan 306401
  4. Indian Bank - Major District Road 13, Pali, Rajasthan
  5. ICICI Bank - Jaipur Road, B-22, Vir Durga Das Nagar, Pali, Rajasthan 306401
  6. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur - Collectrate Branch, MDR 13, Pali, Rajasthan 306401
  7. ICICI Bank Branch - Sumerpur Road, New Roadways Bus Stand, Pali, Rajasthan 306401
  8. ICICI Bank Branch - Mahaveer Marg, Sumerpur Road, 108, Pali, Rajasthan 306401
  9. HDFC Bank - National Highway 65, Pali, Rajasthan
  10. Pali Urban Co-operative Bank - Head Office, Mandia Road, Punayata, Pali, Rajasthan 306401
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Top Bank for Personal Loans

Personal Loan Rates 2023

ICICI Bank 10.99 - 16.50%
Kotak Mahindra 10.99 - 17.25%
Standard Chartered 11.50 - 18.00%
HDFC Bank 10.99 - 20.75%
Bajaj Finserv 11.99% onwards
IndusInd Bank 12.99 - 20.00%
SBI 12.90 - 16.55%
Citibank 10.99%
Tata Capital 10.49 - 19.00%
SMFG India 11.99 - 26.00%

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